The Family Licensing Process


All foster care licensing requirements must be met prior to placement.  The process of becoming a foster parent takes approximately 3 to 6 months.  Potential foster parents will work closely with the Foster Care Licensing Coordinator and Foster Case Case for guidance and support in completing the process. The potential foster parent’s timeliness in returning paperwork can affect the timeline and the completion of the licensing process.   

Informational Foster Care Meeting

The information meeting gives families the opportunity to determine if foster care is the right fit for them.  This meeting provides a basic overview of the foster care opportunities at Envision Healthcare Services LLC, the children/families served by the programs, and program requirements. 

Complete The Foster Care Application Paperwork & Background Checks

Families will be given all necessary paperwork after submitting an Envision Healthcare Services LLC application. Criminal background check, fingerprint, and Central Registry of Abuse and Neglect for all household members 18 years & older. Sex offender registry checks for household members 12 years & older. All paperwork and background checks must be completed and returned prior to beginning the Home Study process.


All foster parents are required to attend 14 hours of training prior to licensure.

In-person training:

Foster Care Home Study

The foster care home study is a comprehensive assessment of a family’s readiness to parent and supports a child in foster care. The information for this assessment is gathered through a series of interviews with potential providers and their current household members.  Must have enough bedrooms in the home to accommodate children in foster care. During this time a home inspection is also performed to ensure all licensing space and environmental safety requirements are met prior to licensing.


Once the process has been successfully completed including an approved foster care home study, Envision Healthcare Services will notify the licensing unit of DSS and a foster care license will be issued.


Unfortunately, a foster care license does not guarantee the placement of a child. For families who do receive a placement, your Caseworker will provide ongoing support to your family, crisis management, and case management services through monthly visits, as well as a regular phone and email contact. Envision Healthcare Services will also maintain all reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

Ongoing Training & Support

After your initial study, all licensed foster care providers are required to complete 14 hours of training per year. Families are also encouraged to participate in the training and support groups offered by Envision Healthcare Services.